Game Controls (defending)

Press Mark

Control: Hold ‘SPRINT & TACKLE’ Button (when close to an opposing Player and pointing the virtual stick in their direction)

Your Player will enter the Press Marking state and attempt to sprint towards the opponent and attempt to automatically tackle the ball. Use your Virtual Stick to influence the movement and direction. You can manually control the movement while pointing away from the Opponent Dribbler and simply manually sprint into an open area as well. This defensive control is very effective but also makes players tire more quickly.

Contain - Tactical Defense

Control: Use the Virtual Stick only (hold and swipe left) 

This is the more Tactical way of Defending as your Player will keep close distance to the opponent dribble but won’t go in for a tackle unless you request it. It allows you to keep the opponent at bay and force him in a specific direction. Note that your player will automatically sprint if necessary to stay with the opponent and you are not required to hold the Sprint button.